


  • 里昂贸易展

    里昂即将到来的贸易显示加拿大的农场展-里贾纳, SK 6月18 - 20日, 2024年(更多细节即将公布)Ag in Motion - Langham, SK 7月16 - 18日, 2024年(更多细节将公布)

  • LEON拉式刮板425型

    回到拉式刮板页面LEON GZ425拉式刮板GZ425操作人员手册GZ425部件手册链接到GZ425拉式刮板视频独特的LEON独家拱臂- LEON GZ400拉式刮板的拱臂在挖掘中提供最佳的用户可视性和最大的机动性, 钓鱼, 倾斜和偏移切割刀片. Hydraulic Cushion Valve - The Hydraulic Cushion Valve comes standard on all LEON拉刮刀 to protect the blade against grading obstacles. Heavy Duty Large Floatation Tires - These tires have maximum load rating and provide superior smooth operation on the fields and on roads. Standard Offset Control - Allows boom to offset 10 feet left or 10 feet right allowing the blade to work in tough to reach locations. Ripple Formed Moldboard - The Exclusive LEON Ripple Formed Moldboard always ‘rolls the load ahead’ allowing for a cleaner roll off of material. 摆动箱端板-此选项允许单元用作刮箱机. Swing away plates can be engaged to utilize the box scraper or can be placed back to allow material to slide off the end of the moldboard. Replaceable Cutting Edge - All LEON拉刮刀 come standard with a high carbon cutting edge which is REPLACEABLE and REVERSIBLE . Standard Weight Box - Positioned over the main axle to provide maximum stability and control on slopes and over bumpy terrain and incline. 可选1000磅. 标准旋转结舌-在这些狭窄的空间和急转弯期间,为LEON拉动式刮板提供卓越的机动性. Baked-on Powder Paint Finish - All LEON Models offer tough durable outer paint coverage after pre paint metal shot-blast cleaning process. Features NOTE : Specifications are subject to change without notice Contact the LEON Sales Team for more information on LEON拉刮刀.

  • LEON拉刮刀

    要玩游戏,请按住回车键. 要停止,请释放回车键. 用整个季节来美化你的土地, 多功能LEON拉式刮板,确保更高的生产效率和利润. Ideal applications for the LEON GZ Pull Scraper include: Trenching Leveling Fence Lines Corral Cleaning Laser Leveling - GPS Assisted Agricultural, 商业和市政县使用灌溉挖石道路维修填埋冲蚀维护果园拉沟等级道路平整霜冻疙瘩一般园林绿化除雪当前莱昂拉刮刀型号可供选择:[点击型号了解更多详情]型号GZ325型号GZ425型号GZ625

  • LEON产品手册

    操作符 & 部件手册LEON推土机刀片 & LEON前端装载机LEON推土机刀片和LEON前端装载机手册, please call the head office: 免费电话:1-800-667-1581 电话:(306)786-2600 ​ Or email: 电子邮件: sales@thevidia.com莱昂土地刮削机[点击链接查看PDF]莱昂拉刮削机[点击链接查看PDF]莱昂650多莉轮-莱昂650直挂-莱昂1000多莉轮-莱昂1000直挂-莱昂1350多莉轮-莱昂1350 -1700多莉轮-莱昂1450-1700直挂-莱昂1700多莉轮-莱昂1700直挂-莱昂2050多莉轮-莱昂2050直挂-运营商 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & Parts Manual LEON GZ325 - LEON GZ425 - LEON GZ625 - 操作符 Manual 手动操作员 Manual 手动操作员 & Parts Manual LEON Hydra Push Spreaders [Click link to view PDF] LEON Model 425H - LEON Model 425V - LEON Model 575H - LEON Model 575V - LEON Model 755H - LEON Model 755V - ​ 操作符 Manual 手动操作员 Manual Parts Manua l 操作符 Manual 手动操作员 Manual 手动操作员 Manual Parts Manua l 操作符 Manual 零件手册 ​ LEON Bale Handler [Click link to view PDF] LEON BH855 - 操作符 Manual Parts Manua l LEON Rear Blades [Click link to view PDF] LEON Model 85 - LEON Model 125 - LEON Model 165 - LEON Model 70, 90, 130, 200, 280, 360 -操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 手动操作员 & 零件手册

  • HS Video | 利有限公司


  • LEON立式九头蛇推式吊具

    LEON立式Hydra推式吊具回吊具页浮动轮胎自动闸门可更换和可逆桨易于维修液压推离技术重型钢框架和实心聚箱可拆卸后端将吊具转变为材料拖车泊车千斤顶液压推离技术-该技术消除了使用围裙链的老式卸载方法, 链轮, 轴, 惰的幻灯片, 输送机板条, 等. 快速开关加热器组件-里昂独特的“快速开关”, Quick-off Beater Assembly allows operator to easily convert Silver Spreader into a durable Material Trailer. Steel Uniframe Construction - LEON heavy duty construction is employed throughout the total framework. 框架采用重型管,确保强度和长寿命. Variable Speed Control - The flow control valve regulates exact unloading speeds from 0 to 8 feet per minute. 固体聚盒-固体聚盒在总地板和总侧消除任何变形,当温度变化,特别是粪便冻结问题在冬季, 同时减少腐蚀和泄漏问题. 盒子框架内衬1“厚聚氨酯衬垫. Reversible and Replaceable Paddles - It allows tackling the biggest jobs, season after season. Floatation Tires - LEON’s Spreader utilizes high and wide used commercial truck tires as standard equipment. Adjustable Spreading Width - Dual Vertical Beaters are balanced and synchronized to deliver a finer, 更广泛和更一致的传播模式,以获得最大的满意度和性能. A quick and easy adjustment provides ability to vary Spreader width to over 40 feet (depending on materials). 液压端门-端门是液压控制和定制安装,以帮助包含松散和半液体或颗粒状材料,甚至更通用和通用的使用莱昂粪肥播种机. 自动闸门-自动闸门功能是一个伟大的选择,所有LEON吊具模型. 当推门被激活时,LEON的自动结束门自动打开. Dual Pressure Treated Lumber - 4”x4” high grade lumber protects the top of spreader frame when loading material into the box. 双侧轨有助于从吊具的两侧装载. 方便的后浆锅选项-浆锅有助于减少马虎和细粪肥溢出从机器的后方,以确保更精细的整体传播材料. Easy Serviceability - Grease banks provide quick maintenance from ground level and the operator maintains easy access to all components. 政府. Grants Available - LEON Vertical Spreaders are environmentally friendly and in most Canadian Provinces and U.S. 州政府为农民提供补助金. 特点九头蛇推垂直吊具手动链接到九头蛇推垂直吊具视频联系LEON销售团队了解更多关于LEON拉式刮板的信息.

  • 里昂陆地刮板模型650

    LEON Model 650 Land Scraper Back to Land Scraper Page Straight Hitch Model Model 650 操作符 & Parts Manual Link to Land Scraper Video Dolly Wheel Model Hydraulic Forced Ejection System - Allows materials to be ejected and levelled in one pass. 焊接统一结构-该结构采用重型管状钢框架. 钢筋侧壁, 地板上, front gate and rear push gate with high rear spill plate guarantees long lasting durability. 结构强度-科学设计的结构强度由工程师使用计算机有限元分析来模拟工作条件进行验证. Unique LEON Ball Steering - LEON Land Scrapers heavy duty ball type steering permits unrestricted easy steering control even in tough, 艰苦的工作或拉扯的条件. 重型枢纽, 纺锤波, 和轮辋-灰尘密封8螺栓铆钉轮毂锥形滚子轴承, spindles gusseted to maintain straight position under severe bumps and industrial-grade 8 bolts Rims throughout to handle selected tires. 出色的刀片可视性-切割刀片和前闸板的位置是为了在材料加载和弹出过程中操作员的全视野. 同步液压控制- LEON的同步液压系统为操作人员提供了装载时切割深度的完全控制,以及倾倒和调平时前弹射深度的控制. 激光深度传感器-所有LEON型号的设计都结合了激光技术. An effective laser system can help make land levelling easier and less expensive than alternative methods. 最大离地间隙-当切削刃处于凸起位置时,最大离地间隙使操作人员能够成功地弹出材料. Baked-on Powder Paint Finish - All LEON Models offer tough durable outer paint coverage after pre paint metal shot-blast cleaning process. This state-of-the-art finishing process ensures a professional and attractive appearance. 有关LEON土地刮刀的更多信息,请联系LEON销售团队.

  • LEON客户支持

    Customer Support 更多的 than 70 years and today "LEON LEADS THE WAY” in designing better equipment continuing its emphasis on innovative design, 高质量标准,免维护寿命长. 这种对质量和可靠性的重视为LEON产品在全球成千上万的满意客户带来了良好的利润. 利有限公司. is committed to manufacturing superior 产品 that perform to the customers’ expectations. 如果您在购买设备方面有任何问题, 部分, /融资租赁, 技术上的困难, 利有限公司. 是来帮忙的. 访问韦德1946的客户支持页面:手册保修信息融资 & Leasing PARTS SUPPORT First Name Last Name Email Phone Select Choose an option Parts Number Quantity Give us more details Send Thanks! 韦德1946会尽快回复你.

  • RAMROD视频4 | 利有限公司


  • 推土机刀片视频2 | 利有限公司


  • 里昂推土机刀片型号5000

    LEON型号5000推土机刀片回到推土机刀片页较大的四轮驱动 & 轨道驱动拖拉机47“高叶片可在14英尺., 16 ft., 18 ft. 20英尺. 可更换的切削刃和10“挖掘深度纹波成型模具板,6路液压刀片调整可完成快速开-关安装可调防滑鞋特点LEON工厂预装所有的推和连接推土机刀片框架与完整的液压包节省经销商和客户宝贵的设置时间. 在大多数车型中,车架下间隙最高. 消除阻力,避免陷入困境,并在柔软,不平坦的地形上工作. ‘Quick On Quick Off mounting and dismounting’ - All LEON Blades can be quickly added or removed in under 10 minutes. 其他人不能这么说. 特殊叶片轮廓设计-工作更智能与莱昂独家的“特殊叶片轮廓设计”独特的波纹形成的行动,以“滚动负载向前”,并尽量减少拖拉机框架上的压力. 强大的直列液压倾斜- LEON采用独特的保护组件设计,消除了在碎片和恶劣条件下工作时可能损坏的暴露气缸轴的需要. 液压垂直倾斜- LEON在所有推土机上提供了这个伟大的选择. LEON客户可以随时添加此选项,而无需更改组件. To add the tilt option on competitive models, the farmer must purchase a brand new dozer assembly. LEON is proud to offer side extensions and angled side extensions, in 3 sizes for all blades - 1 ft., 1.5英尺. 2英尺. 完整的8路操纵杆包可用于LEON推土机刀片单位. Tractor operators have a new way to hydraulically operate their blades without tying up all their tractor hydraulic outlets. 里昂将自定义颜色你的刀片,以配合你的拖拉机-猫黄色, JD绿色, NH蓝色, 情况下红, 新荷兰蓝或标准利昂黑. 里昂推土机刀片是一个真正的多用途项目,全年使用! 雪,污垢和青贮应用只是几个用途的里昂推土机刀片. “前安装3点Hitch”和“Payloader”推土机刀片现在可用. LEON offers a full range of Blades in a variety of sizes complete with 6-way hydraulic features. 在几分钟内把你的“装载机”变成“推土机”. 只有里昂提供特殊的安装程序,以帮助其经销商和客户. LEON technicians dedicate their time to train technicians and operators on proper mounting/dismounting techniques, 加上正确的推土机刀片操作. 联系LEON销售团队了解更多关于LEON推土机刀片的信息.
